SB 1047

  • Oregon Senate Bill
  • 2019 Regular Session
  • Introduced in Senate Apr 22, 2019
  • Senate
  • House
  • Governor

Relating to state building code administration.


Authorizes municipalities to use independent contractors as building officials. Provides that actions or omissions by building official who is independent contractor to carry out municipal building inspection program are actions by agent of municipality. Requires municipality using building official who is independent contractor to ensure building official qualifications, specify scope of building official duties and provide oversight of building official. Requires municipality using building official who is independent contractor to establish municipal process for resolving challenges to building official decisions. Requires municipality to keep appropriate records of amounts received and owed for building inspection program services. Provides that municipality is responsible for proper disposition of amounts collected. Requires municipality to provide for periodic review or auditing of building inspection program. Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to provide municipal building officials with consultation regarding state building code interpretations, waivers and other issues. Prohibits inspector or plan reviewer for department from rendering services to business engaged in construction or property development. Prohibits municipal building official, inspector or plan reviewer from rendering services to business engaged in construction work or property development within municipality. Creates exception.

Bill Sponsors (6)


No votes to display


Jul 01, 2019


In committee upon adjournment.

Apr 23, 2019


Referred to Rules.

Apr 22, 2019


Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

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